Saga Egmont
La Métamorphose est la nouvelle la plus célèbre de Franz Kafka. C'est un cauchemar glaçant où la réalité s'effondre radicalement : un matin, comme tous les matins, le narrateur s'éveille ; mais cette fois-ci, c'est dans le corps d'un cafard géant.
Fed´z, stary pastuch wyrusza w podróz ze swoimi ko´nmi. W´sród stada mlodych, pieknych i niezwykle sprawnych zwierzat znajduje sie leciwy walach. Wspóltowarzysze wy´smiewaja sie z konia, a przeciez i on ma za soba lata ´swietno´sci. Czy opowie´s´c o mlodo´sci wplynie na jego pozycje w stadzie?
Piekna historia o przemijaniu, staro´sci i szacunku do innych napisana z niezwyklej perspektywy starego konia. Poruszy najtwardsze serca i skloni do refleksji nad pozycja osób starszych w spolecze´nstwie. -
Wladza jest wszedzie, cho´c nikt nie wie, kto naprawde za nia stoi. Wladza jest anonimowa.
Najwieksza jej moc? Absurd. Wytracanie czlowieka z poczucia niewinno´sci i bezpiecze´nstwa.
Pewnego dnia Józef K. budzi sie w swoim mieszkaniu, po czym zostaje aresztowany przez urzedników, nie wiedzac nawet za co. Do czasu rozprawy wiódl normalne zycie, ale dzie´n, w którym zostaje podejrzanym zmienia je na zawsze. Rozpoczyna sie seria absurdalnych wydarze´n. Rzeczywisto´s´c staje sie dla niego koszmarem.
O losach Józefa K. nie dowiadujemy sie zbyt wiele. Podobnie jak o jego winie ani o tym, jaka jest prawda. Jeste´smy za to ´swiadkami procesu, w którym czlowiek zderza sie z prawem. Z sila wykraczajaca poza ludzkie mozliwo´sci. I nie ma od tego odwrotu.
"Proces" Franza Kafki to ´swiatowa klasyka literatury XX wieku. Autor w 1914 roku stworzyl genialna metafore totalitaryzmu i biurokratyzmu, pa´nstwa odbierajacego jednostce prawo do bycia wolnym, narracje o samotno´sci czlowieka we wspólczesnym ´swiecie. -
La tana è uno degli ultimi racconti di Franz Kafka, scritto durante la sua permanenza a Berlino nel 1923, all'incirca sei mesi prima della morte. Il racconto narra dei continui disperati sforzi intrapresi da un protagonista - per metà umano e per metà animale - di costruirsi un'abitazione perfetta, così da potersi proteggere efficacemente dai suoi nemici invisibili. In tutto il testo (rimasto incompiuto) vi è l'idea ossessiva di riuscir a realizzare una complessa opera architettonica, e dalla paura d'esser attaccato da potenziali nemici i quali però non danno mai prova d'esistenza reale: la tana, creata in questa costante ricerca di perfezione, non produce però quella pace e tranquillità che s'attendeva di trovare ma, piuttosto, ciò gli provoca ansie crescenti.
Franz Kafka è uno dei più celebri interpreti della complessità del vissuto umano e delle angosce che turbano la nostra epoca. Nacque a Praga nel 1883, figlio di un agiato negoziante, gretto e autoritario, con cui visse sempre in conflitto. Trascorse un'esistenza apparentemente monotona e priva di grandi avvenimenti. Poco dopo la laurea s'impiegò in un ente pubblico, dove rimase fino a due anni prima della sua prematura scomparsa nel 1924. -
B. J. Harrison Reads The Metamorphosis
Franz Kafka
- Saga Egmont
- The Classic Tales with B. J. Harrison
- 3 Décembre 2020
- 9788726572704
Gregor Samsa is a travelling salesman who wakes up one morning to realize that he been transformed from a human being to a "monstrous vermin". He reflects back on his life, his work, his relationship with his family and his employer, and he realizes that each relationship he has been a part of has been fake. He feels responsible for his family but he does not receive any gratitude from them. The alienation is unbearable and irreversible. His life will either have to change drastically or he will stay victim of his own existential anxiety.
"The Metamorphosis" is a novel about the constant battle between the society's evil powers and every person's will to fight back.
B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.
Franz Kafka was a Czech-Austrian author who lived in the period 1883-1924. His literary legacy consists of many short stories and novels. His style is characterized by a fusion between realism, fiction and fantastic elements. The surrealistic moments in his works are used to interpret themes like existential anxiety and guilt - topics that were often discussed during his time. He depicted the problems of his time in an unusual way, which in turn made him one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Some of his best known works are "The Metamorphosis", "The Trial" and "The Castle"; they are however but a small part of Kafka's large literary legacy. -
Cette nouvelle est l'une des plus marquantes jamais écrites par Kafka, voire tout court. Un explorateur se voit présenter le cruel système à l'oeuvre dans une colonie pénitentiaire, appartenant à on ne sait quel pays puissant. La terrible machine utilisée pour la peine capitale est un symbole puissant, qui incarne et dénonce à la fois un système implacable.