Jack A. Naglieri
Practitioner's Guide to Assessing Intelligence and Achievement
Jack A. Naglieri, Sam Goldstein
- Wiley
- 23 Juillet 2009
- 9780470488164
A complete guide to key intelligence and achievement tests and their effective use The tools used in the assessment process have changed dramatically in recent years. School and clinical psychologists need a comprehensive yet focused resource to which they can turn to learn the basics of key intelligence and achievement tests and how to use them in their assessments of children and adults. With its practical and straightforward presentation, Practitioner's Guide to Assessing Intelligence and Achievement provides that resource. Coedited by two well-known and respected scholars and researchers, Jack Naglieri and Sam Goldstein, the content in this timely book combines traditional and new conceptualizations of intelligence as well as ways to measure achievement. Truly readable and user-friendly, this book provides professionals with a single source from which to examine ability and achievement tests along the same general criteria. Each chapter is written by a leading scholar and test developer and is consistently structured for easy comparison of each test that is examined. Coverage includes: The theory underlying each test Description of each test Tips for administering and scoring each test Standardization, norms, and reliability of each scale Practical guidance for the use of each test Correspondence of each test to IDEA A practical tool designed to aid clinical psychologists in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the various tests presented, Practitioner's Guide to Assessing Intelligence and Achievement provides students and practitioners with the information they need for their practice and testing efforts to be consistent with recent updates in the field and how those assessment instruments relate to changes in the laws that influence test use.
Essentials of WNV Assessment
Kimberly A. Brunnert, Jack A. Naglieri, Steven T. Hardy-Braz
- Wiley
- 5 Décembre 2008
- 9780470467282
Essentials of WNV Assessment provides practitioners with practical, step-by-step advice for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV), a nonverbal assessment used to assess a wide variety of individuals. Written by Kimberly Brunnert, Jack Naglieri, and Steven Hardy-Braz, the test is especially well suited for those who are not proficient in English, such as young children, recent immigrants, ESL students, and the deaf and hard of hearing. This essential guide provides you with illuminating case reports and valuable advice on its clinical applications.
The definitive guide to the latest edition of the Cognitive Assessment System Essentials of CAS2 Assessment is a comprehensive guide to the successful administration of the updated CAS2. Written by leading cognitive assessment experts, the book discusses the latest research and thinking on PASS (Planning, Attention-Arousal, Simultaneous and Successive) theory and includes case studies that demonstrate the use of CAS2 with several types of diagnostic groups and integration with other instruments. A companion website offers additional tools and information to help busy professionals make optimal use of the CAS2. This is the first book to provide comprehensive, step-by-step guidelines for administering, scoring, and interpreting the latest edition of the Cognitive Assessment System (CAS2). While the outcome of the test depends upon the child's performance, the reliability and accuracy of the analysis depends largely upon the performance of the test administrator. Essentials of CAS2 Assessment offers detailed insight on topics such as: Fair assessment of diverse populations Assessment of children with comorbid conditions Changes to the CAS2 rating scale and form Nuances of the three-tier model Each chapter in the book highlights key concepts, bulleted points, and actual test questions. The CAS2 is a valuable tool in the detection of learning disabilities, ADHD, TBI, retardation, and giftedness. Essentials of CAS2 Assessment is the guidebook professionals need to ensure the CAS2 test is applied and analyzed accurately so that the results can be applied to the maximum benefit of the child.
This Second Edition of the book expands on the in-depth treatment of the theory, definition, and evaluation of impairment presented in the original volume. It explores the complex relationships between disabling conditions and impairment, with new data and insights on assessment and potential avenues for treatment. Original and revised chapters critique current models of impairment and offers an integrated model rooted in the contexts of medical, mental health, and cognitive challenges in disability. Leading scholars and clinicians provide updated evidence for a much-needed reconceptualization of impairment within the context of diagnosis and disability. This contextual approach to assessment - a wide-ranging quality-of life perspective - goes beyond symptom counting, resulting in more accurate diagnosis, targeted interventions, and improved patient functioning.
Topics featured in this book include:
The role of family and cross-setting supports inreducing impairment.Relationships between adaptive behavior and impairment.Legal conceptions of impairment and its implications for the assessment of psychiatric disabilities.Impairment in parenting.The Neuropsychological Impairment Scale (NIS).The Barkley Functional Impairment Scale (BFIS).The Rating Scale of Impairment (RSI).Treatment integrity in interventions for children diagnosed with DSM-5 disorders.Assessing Impairment, Second Edition, is a must-have resource for researchers, clinicians, professionals, and graduate students in clinical child, school, and developmental psychology as well as child and adolescent psychiatry, educational psychology, rehabilitation medicine/therapy, social work, and pediatrics. -
Learning and Attention Disorders in Adolescence and Adulthood
Jack A. Naglieri, Sam Goldstein, Melissa Devries
- Wiley
- 2 Février 2011
- 9781118061923
Fully revised coverage with the most current diagnoses and treatments for adolescents and adults living with learning and attention disorders Reflecting the most recent and relevant findings regarding Learning Disabilities (LD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), this Second Edition of Learning and Attention Disorders in Adolescence and Adulthood provides practitioners in the fields of education and mental health with a set of practical guidelines to assist in the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, and treatment of adolescents and adults struggling with LD and ADHD. The new edition includes: An emphasis on working from strengths?adapting to disabilities and dealing with them successfully on a daily basis New coverage of the causes and long-term implications of LD and ADHD in adolescents and adulthood New chapters on treatment effectiveness; building resiliency and shaping mindsets; cognitive therapy; and strategic life coaching to help guide individuals with LD and ADHD Contributions from leading researchers, including Noel Gregg, Russell Barkley, Kevin Antshel, and Nancy Mather Drawing on evidence-based techniques to meet the pragmatic demands for intervention, the Second Edition guides school psychologists, counselors, and educators in promoting positive change for adolescents and adults with LD and ADHD as they strive for success in school, work, and home settings.
Handbook of Psychology, Assessment Psychology
Jack A. Naglieri, Irving B. Weiner, John R. Graham
- Wiley
- 4 Octobre 2012
- 9781118282045
Psychology is of interest to academics from many fields, as well as to the thousands of academic and clinical psychologists and general public who can't help but be interested in learning more about why humans think and behave as they do. This award-winning twelve-volume reference covers every aspect of the ever-fascinating discipline of psychology and represents the most current knowledge in the field. This ten-year revision now covers discoveries based in neuroscience, clinical psychology's new interest in evidence-based practice and mindfulness, and new findings in social, developmental, and forensic psychology.
Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Jack A. Naglieri, Sam Goldstein
- Springer
- 3 Février 2013
- 9781461453017
Children are being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders at a staggering rate-as many as one in 110, according to some studies. To this sobering statistic add the familiar figures of the toddler disengaged from his peers, the middle schooler shunned in the lunchroom, and the adult struggling with social cues on the job, and professionals are faced with a mounting challenge: to assist and support young people with these disorders to ensure their successful transition to adolescence and adulthood.The first volume dedicated solely to its topic, Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders provides a comprehensive overview of programs currently in use. Contributors explore programs focusing on long-term outcomes, home- and classroom-based strategies, resilience training for parents, and pharmacological management of symptoms. Background chapters review issues in reliability and validity of interventions and evaluating treatment effectiveness. And an especially cogent chapter discusses the centrality of treatment integrity to best practice. Comprehensive programs and targeted interventions covered include:The Early Start Denver Model for young children.The TEACCH program for children, adults, and families.The Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) and CARD eLearning.PROGress: a program for remediating and expanding social skills.Evidence-based strategies for repetitive behaviors and sensory issues.Self-regulation strategies for students with autism spectrum disorders.Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders is an essential resource for researchers, professionals/practitioners, and clinicians in a wide array of fields, including clinical child, school, and developmental psychology; child and adolescent psychiatry; education; rehabilitation medicine/therapy; social work; and pediatrics.
Handbook of Executive Functioning
Jack A. Naglieri, Sam Goldstein
- Springer
- 19 Novembre 2013
- 9781461481065
Planning. Attention. Memory. Self-regulation. These and other core cognitive and behavioral operations of daily life comprise what we know as executive functioning (EF). But despite all we know, the concept has engendered multiple, often conflicting definitions and its components are sometimes loosely defined and poorly understood.The Handbook of Executive Functioning cuts through the confusion, analyzing both the whole and its parts in comprehensive, practical detail for scholar and clinician alike. Background chapters examine influential models of EF, tour the brain geography of the executive system and pose salient developmental questions. A section on practical implications relates early deficits in executive functioning to ADD and other disorders in children and considers autism and later-life dementias from an EF standpoint. Further chapters weigh the merits of widely used instruments for assessing executive functioning and review interventions for its enhancement, with special emphasis on children and adolescents.Featured in the Handbook:The development of hot and cool executive function in childhood and adolescence.A review of the use of executive function tasks in externalizing and internalizing disorders.Executive functioning as a mediator of age-related cognitive decline in adults.Treatment integrity in interventions that target executive function.Supporting and strengthening working memory in the classroom to enhance executive functioning.The Handbook of Executive Functioning is an essential resource for researchers, scientist-practitioners and graduate students in clinical child, school and educational psychology; child and adolescent psychiatry; neurobiology; developmental psychology; rehabilitation medicine/therapy and social work.
Handbook of Intelligence
Jack A. Naglieri, Sam Goldstein, Dana Princiotta
- Springer
- 8 Décembre 2014
- 9781493915620
Numerous functions, cognitive skills, and behaviors are associated with intelligence, yet decades of research has yielded little consensus on its definition. Emerging from often conflicting studies is the provocative idea that intelligence evolved as an adaptation humans needed to keep up with - and survive in - challenging new environments.
The Handbook of Intelligence addresses a broad range of issues relating to our cognitive and linguistic past. It is the first full-length volume to place intelligence in an evolutionary/cultural framework, tracing the development of the human mind, exploring differences between humans and other primates, and addressing human thinking and reasoning about its own intelligence and its uses. The works of pioneering thinkers - from Plato to Darwin, Binet to Piaget, Luria to Weachsler - are referenced to illustrate major events in the evolution of theories of intelligence, leading to the current era of multiple intelligences and special education programs. In addition, it examines evolutionary concepts in areas as diverse as creativity, culture, neurocognition, emotional intelligence, and assessment.
Featured topics include:The evolution of the human brain from matter to mind
Social competition and the evolution of fluid intelligence
Multiple intelligences in the new age of thinking
Intelligence as a malleable construct
From traditional IQ to second-generation intelligence tests
The evolution of intelligence, including implications for educational programming and policy.
The Handbook of Intelligence is an essential resource for researchers, graduate students, clinicians, and professionals in developmental psychology; assessment, testing and evaluation; language philosophy; personality and social psychology; sociology; and developmental biology.